"In All Likelihood" by Brendan Constantine
In All Likelihood
Your picture is only worth about 620 words
God has no personality
Everybody gets to the next world
at the same instant
There is a secret network of Bad Samaritans
God has no teeth
You’ve eaten something living
You own something stolen
God's hearing is shot
You will die on the right day
You are already mourned
Praying aloud is like listening to space
Your first breath has circled the earth
several times and passed you by
Brendan Constantine
Brendan Constantine's work has appeared in Best American Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Ploughshares, Virginia Quarterly, and Poem-a-Day, among other journals. His most recent collection is Dementia, My Darling (Red Hen Press, 2016). He has received grants and commissions from the Getty Museum, James Irvine Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. He currently teaches poetry at the Windward School and offers classes to hospitals, foster homes, veterans, and the elderly.
Photo Credit: Staff