"The Importance of Movement" by Theresa Senato Edwards
Theresa Senato Edwards has published two full-length poetry books, including one with painter Lori Schreiner, which won The Tacenda Literary Award for Best Book, and two chapbooks. Excerpts and poems from her newest manuscript can be found in Stirring, Gargoyle, The Nervous Breakdown, Thrush Poetry Journal, UCity Review, Diode Poetry Journal, Rogue Agent, Mom Egg Review, Menacing Hedge and elsewhere. Edwards was nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, received creative writing residencies from Drop Forge and Tool and Craigardan, and is Editor-in-Chief of The American Poetry Journal (APJ). Her website is https://theresasenatoedwards.wixsite.com/tsenatoedwards.
Headshot: Lucia Cherciu
Photo Credit: Staff