“To Move Still” by Lexi Shapiro


To Move Still 

When you ask me for something beautiful 
I think of your smile waiting to warm up like a faucet 
Like a crowd of people have followed, held hands together and began speaking without vowels
My ears alert, the student waiting to learn 
When you ask me for something beautiful 
The leaves freeze in the wind 
My heart a metronome to your curiosity  
And the ground begins to move still 
I am relaxed, your breath flashing, it consumes me. 
My heart fails me and I have lost your words, searching for them with a pair of headphones on
but there is no music 
When you ask me for something beautiful,
I shy away 
Knowing I can not provide you the silence you're so longing to hear.

Lexi Shapiro

Lexi Shapiro is a poet based in Los Angeles. She is a high school student at the Windward School and her favorite class is her Creative Writing class.

Headshot: Carly Shapiro

Photo Credit: Staff