“Repatriation: Lakshmi-Narayana” by Chloe Martinez
Repatriation: Lakshmi-Narayana
Kathmandu, Nepal, 2021
people crowded through the streets
carrying the god/ess
I wasn’t there / I saw it on the screen
the palanquin pitching like a joyful
ship on a shoulder-sea
then into the temple
two strong men
eased her/him back
into the old place
the shining articles
went onto her/his divine
limbs and the strong men bent
quickly to touch their heads
to her/his feet and I’m going to say
there was a slight planetary
shimmy / breath / sigh
as far as I could ascertain
from this distance
when ornaments went—perfect fit—
on the smooth stone wrists
they were made for
then the light
found them / turned gold
turned god/ess
came back to us all.
Chloe Martinez
Chloe Martinez is the author of the collection Ten Thousand Selves (The Word Works) and the chapbook Corner Shrine (Backbone Press). Her work has appeared in Ploughshares, POETRY, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Beloit Poetry Journal and elsewhere. See more at www.chloeAVmartinez.com.
Headshot: Chloe Martinez
Photo Credit: Staff