“Third Movement” by Gary Lark
Third Movement
Compassion, says the colonizer
after the land is taken
after the people are subjugated
after the mad dogs are back on leash.
Compassion, says the priest
after the blood has jelled
after the languages are banned
after the heads are bowed.
Compassion, when it's comfortable.
Few will stand in the way of the sword,
in the way of ideology,
crosswise of the current.
Compassion, after economics,
after property rights,
after elections are over,
bringing up the rear.
Gary Lark
Gary Lark’s most recent collection is Ordinary Gravity, (Airlie Press). Daybreak on the Water is forthcoming from Flowstone Press. His poetry has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Catamaran, Hubbub, Poet Lore, ZYZZYVA, and others.
Photo Credit: Staff