"Little Red Wagon" by Liana Minassian
Little Red Wagon
Little red wagon gonna pull me to safety,
rolling on the sidewalk, jasmine in the air,
mouth full of bubblegum; I’ve got sticky hands
and sticky teeth, gotta come clean,
tell mama I threw those rocks
on the neighbor’s roof. Her dogs scared me,
but she scared me more, tongue like a dagger
sharpened by bitter thoughts. Gonna eat her alive
before she catch me spitting on the asphalt,
tires burning my name down the street.
At night, I come alive, riding down alleyways
in my little red wagon, lights flashing,
peeping through fences. I can see myself
looking out the sliding doors, glass eyes breaking
— a reflection. Am I real, mama?
Am I really here? Gonna ride to the future,
so I can ask myself who I’ve yet to be.
liana Minassian
Liana Minassian is a graduate of the University of Miami's film and theatre programs and is based in LA. She’s a writer and photographer with many other varied interests. Her recent publications include Muddy River Poetry Review, Prometheus Dreaming (where she was also a semifinalist in their first poetry competition), and a self-published poetry and photography zine on insomnia and anxiety, entitled Solis Obitus. For more information: http://www.lianaminassian.com.
Headshot: Justin Zagri
Photo Credit: Staff