"Broken" by Sheila Wellehan

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Hundreds of trees are broken.
Wreckage makes these woods new and strange,
transforming trails I’ve walked half my life

so that I have to look
and think about where I’m going.

I crawl under a massive fallen fir blocking the path
instead of taking an extra moment to walk around it.

In the seconds I’m beneath it,
I realize that if it slipped, it could hurt me,
break me,

and I want to be all broken up like the forest,
broken and all brand-new.

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Sheila wellehan

Sheila Wellehan's poetry is featured or forthcoming in The Night Heron Barks, Rust + Moth, Thimble Literary Magazine, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Whale Road Review, and many other journals and anthologies. She lives in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Visit her online at www.sheilawellehan.com.

Headshot: Shauna Damboise

Photo Credit: Grey Pulliam
