“Agnes Bernauer proclaims her love” by Stefanie Kirby
Agnes Bernauer proclaims her love
You dreamt me last night, a shape whispering
curves and the soft cool left by drowning
lips. Where I spoke truth with my lover's
tongue curled around the shallows of waves
or the nape of rippling sand below, light falls
in shafts fingered by flotsam
in the somber veil of rising murk. Air escapes
glass-green on round feet, surface bound —
my amen whittled to shallowing gasps.
Stefanie Kirby
Stefanie Kirby is a bilingual poet with degrees in English and German literature from the University of Colorado. She studied poetry at Lighthouse Writers Workshop and has taught writing to middle and high school students. In addition to writing, Stefanie gardens, cooks, and crochets.
Headshot: Michael Kirby
Photo Credit: Staff