“Snow White’s Dreaming” by Sarah Blake
Snow White’s Dreaming
More than seven men
tend to me. More than
animals come to sing.
More than a witch
brings me apples to eat —
so many sweet things.
More than a prince
kisses me. Or a prince
does more than kiss
me — more than ebony,
more than snow, more
than blood or the rose.
I’m a blistering
sun-god emerging from
my star-skin, fulgent.
Sarah Blake
Sarah Blake is the author of two poetry collections, Let's Not Live on Earth and Mr. West, both from Wesleyan University Press. An illustrated workbook accompanies her chapbook, Named After Death (Banango Editions). In 2013, she was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. Her debut novel, Naamah, is forthcoming from Riverhead Books. She lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband and son.
Photo Credit: Katelyn Mulcahy