“I Must Confess” by Courtney Mason
I must confess
shirtless in a sports bra, my only support as i walk, skin exposed to sun and above
jesus shining rays of hope ushers me forward to a hot meal / if the spanish waiter
turns slowly and gently asks my name, i will tell him i am the virgin / come to
me / raise the dead / say my name five times at midnight into a mirror that reflects
on your face the shadow of my godless wrath / mouth, gagged / wrists leather bound
I wish I didn’t think such things. But I do. And because of this
i don’t plan ahead / men dream of spontaneous women like me in their dating profiles
caught with fascination by the fantasy of an independent woman / hiking alone
on fire my feet are bubbles of skin rubbed raw over 200km with endless fields ahead /
inside albergues on plastic sheets, can the sound of my wet fingers be disguised? tomorrow at
church i will seduce a Norwegian pilgrim / ice eyes spread over my body in the confessional
Courtney Mason
Courtney Mason is a poet, writer, and civil engineer, living on Kaurna land in south Australia. She once tried to walk the Camino de Santiago. Her website is www.courtney-mason.com.
Headshot: Courtney Mason
Photo Credit: Staff