“On the Hydrangea” by Hugo S. Simões
On the Hydrangea
What can I tell you about the hydrangea?
It is early June, and the withered traces
of last year's blooms are clinging dead and dry
to the coming blossoms, their petals
the color of mothswings, their stems
thorn and claw.
I cut the dead flowers,
prise new blooms out of their cages,
young petals held between
the teeth of old stems,
and think of how
the dead can crowd the living,
and the living crowd the dead.
Hugo s. Simões
Hugo S. Simões comes from a small island along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. He currently lives in Lisbon, Portugal. His poetry and prose have previously appeared in Southwest Review, Third Point Press, The Rio Grande Review, Across the Margin, and Whistling Shade.
Headshot: Azita Kloever
Photo Credit: Staff