"[The soaring early morning a hand]" by Christer Boberg
[The soaring early morning a hand]
The soaring early morning a hand that keeps on giving when there’s nothing more to give. Nostrils filling with earthy cold. Wind turbines buried alive in consciousness. The empty air strikes bitter like aspirin on the roof of my mouth. The vast openness an omen of woe upon woe. An excavation just begun. The hull of frost gives way.
trans. (from the Swedish) by Agnes Broomé, Nichola Smalley, and Anna Tebelius
[Den höga tidiga morgonen en hand]
Den höga tidiga morgonen en hand som ger då inget mer finns att ge. Jordig köld i näsborrarna. Vindkraftverk levande begravda i medvetandet. Tomma luftens käglor beska som huvudvärkstabletter mot gommen. Vidöppenheten ett varsel om oro adderad till oro. En nyss påbörjad utgrävning. Höljet av frost ger vika.
Christer Boberg
Christer Boberg. Swedish poet. Latest collection of poems, Terpsitone, published 2016. Recently launched an essay on the works of Swedish minimalistic poet Ola Julén. Boberg also works with text and sound as well as lyrics.
Headshot: Mikaela Boberg-Törnqvist
Photo Credit: Nicholas J. Haddad