"Mermaid" by Juliette Sebock
2006, eleven years old.
Pop-Pop, the historian,
turns stormchaser.
We walk outside,
swim along the sidewalk.
I lost my dollar flip-flop
in the not-so-Hidden River.
2011, a not-so-little mermaid.
Mom plays Bill Paxton
so we can take some pictures.
Tom shares my favorite shot
on his weather show.
I share it on Facebook
in case my friends don’t have windows.
2018, still under the sea.
I check in with friends in Liberty City
but they’re on the other side of the river — safe.
Poseidon moves closer to home,
his trident pinning you in that same damn small town.
People joke just to compensate:
Even Olympus wouldn’t be safe.
Photo Credit: Shayne Schultz