"For A, On Deck of an Arctic Cruise Ship" by David Spicer
For A, On Deck of an Arctic Cruise Ship
You lean against the railing, alone outside
while fifty couples celebrate inside
by singing or dancing. You gaze
at the Aurora Borealis, long for nights
you loved the man you loved
all your life. But you’re alone now,
dear friend, alone outside. Heavenly
bodies above you humble humanity,
and you’re no exception. Tomorrow,
you, with those hundred other souls,
might photograph the ancient icebergs
or just view them from afar, and listen
to them crack like a pantheon of gods
protesting. Look, a polar bear! a doctor
says. How beautiful, his wife whispers.
You stand on the crowd’s margins,
shiver in your blue goose-down coat
that covers two cashmere sweaters.
I shiver, too, thinking about you and your
freezing misery. I want to see the ice’s
devastation for real, you wrote before you left.
Maybe I’ll meet new people, dine with similar
spirits. Maybe. I hope so, A. But if you don’t,
look up at the Arctic sky about midnight. See
that tiny star near the western horizon?
That’s me, waving.
Photo Credit: Staff