"The Chinese Barefoot Doctor’s Manual" by Meryl Natchez
The Chinese Barefoot Doctor’s Manual
I wonder how many of us, long hair parted in the middle
poured over the Chinese Barefoot Doctor’s Manual
by the light of a kerosene lantern,
hoping it was accurate
as we assembled the package
of blankets, twine, cloth diapers and pins,
sleeper, boiled scissors,
wrapped it in newspaper,
tied it, baked it,
and set it on a high shelf,
as we waited for the
unpredictable journey.
Everything we did
needed a handbook then.
So when the head appeared
after more pain than I had
been led to expect,
and Larry rotated
first one shoulder
then the other
and the scrawny body
popped into his arms
just as the handbook said
with an alien beauty
the book hadn’t described
is it a surprise that we thought
we were changing the world?
or a surprise
how the world pushed back
and changed us?
Photo Credit: Staff