"In March" by Kenneth Pobo
In March
A pewter sky forms an urn
to take us both in. I’ve heard
rumors of April,
of redbuds almost open,
columbines bluing a part
of the bed next to
a dead guara. This wind
could blow the rest
of March away, blow it
right into the garbage can.
Let the trashmen haul it
off for good.
Kenneth Pobo
Kenneth Pobo (he/him) is the author of twenty-one chapbooks and nine full-length collections. Recent books include Bend of Quiet (Blue Light Press), Loplop in a Red City (Circling Rivers), Lilac and Sawdust (Meadowlark Press) and Gold Bracelet in a Cave: Aunt Stokesia (Ethel Press). His work has appeared in North Dakota Quarterly, Asheville Literary Review, Nimrod, Mudfish, Hawaii Review, and elsewhere.
Headshot: Kenneth Pobo
Photo Credit: Staff