ISSUE ONE: “The Petals on the Ornamental Pear Tree in the Neighbor’s Yard Smell like Death” by Amorak Huey
The Petals on the Ornamental Pear Tree in the Neighbor's Yard Smell Like Death
How could something so lovely —
but that of course
is ridiculous
to ask because loveliness
and death
are words from the same root.
Pale. Delicate. The stench
of something under
the deck,
for days.
We chose this neighborhood
because of sidewalks.
We imagined a kind
of connection
to the people around us. We
were not wrong, exactly.
Imagine that — a fruit tree
without fruit,
not even
the promise
of fruit,
imagine that.
Amorak Huey
Amorak Huey, a 2017 National Endowment for the Arts Fellow, is author of the poetry collections Ha Ha Ha Thump (Sundress, 2015) and Boom Box (Sundress, 2019), as well as two chapbooks. He is co-author of the textbook Poetry: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology (Bloomsbury, 2018) and teaches at Grand Valley State University.
Photo Credit: Staff