ISSUE TWO "After reading discourses about how a bird can be prepared for a banquet so that its feathers remain intact by exsanguinating it through the mouth and careful use of damp cloths" by Ray Ball
After reading discourses about how a bird can be prepared for a banquet so that its feathers remain intact by exsanguinating it through the mouth and careful use of damp cloths.
Plate the peacock
with gold leaf.
In its mouth
a flame
of camphor.
Serve the bird
standing upright
in irons
with tailfeathers spread.
The meat of this bird
increases melancholy
and is
only moderately
When roasted
old ones
can be
eight days
in winter.
Ray Ball
Ray Ball, Ph.D., is a history professor at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. When not in the classroom or the archives, she enjoys running marathons and spending time with her spouse, Mark, and beagle, Bailey. She is the author of two books of poems, Lararium (Variant Literature) and Tithe of Salt (Louisiana Literature Press) and two history books, and her creative work has recently appeared in Breadcrumbs Mag, L’Éphémère Review, and The Cabinet of Heed. She tweets @ProfessorBall.
Photo Credit: Tiffany Cook