ISSUE FOUR: “[Life Is Running Its Course.]” by Margarita Serafimova
Life is running its course.
The hounds are all joyous
as they are full of veins.
Margarita Serafimova was a finalist for the Erbacce Press Prize (2018, 2019), Christopher Smart Prize (Eyewear Publishing, 2019), Summer Literary Seminars (2018, 2019), Hammond House Prize (2018), Red Wheelbarrow Prize (2018), Montreal Prize (2017), and nominated for Best of the Net (2018). She has three collections in Bulgarian. Her work appears in Agenda Poetry, London Grip, Waxwing, Trafika Europe, Landfill, A-Minor, Poetry South, Great Weather for MEDIA, Orbis, Nixes Mate, StepAway, Ink Sweat & Tears, Leveler, Light, HeadStuff, Minor Literature[s], The Writing Disorder, The Birds We Piled Loosely, Chronogram, Noble / Gas Qtrly, Origins, The Journal, miller’s pond, Obra / Artifact, Arteidolia / Swifts & Slows, Memoir Mixtapes, glitterMOB, TAYO, Guttural, Punch, Tuck, Ginosko, etc. Visit:
Headshot: Aris Bosmis
Photo Credit: Staff